Terms Of Service

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Please read the terms below carefully, the terms written below apply to the following websites:


You accept the terms by using this website.

Content + Copyright

All content here is owned by smartphoneletters.com or their respective owner's, users may not copy content without prior permission. Content includes written content, site design, images and downloadable files.


No information to identify you (the user) is collected, however if you make a page comment or contact us your IP address will be collected, this is to avoid spam. Cookies are also likely to be saved to your computer this will be for traffic analysis and advertisements no information to identify you is collected. Your data will not be shared with anyone.

Google Analytics + AdSense

Google analytics is used to collect website traffic statistics and the following data will be collected from your visit.

We also use Google AdSense to display advertisements. Google AdSense (and their advertising partners) will serve advertisements prior to your visit they may also save tracking cookies, to change this setting please see AdSense settings. For more information on how Google uses this information please see Google's privacy policy.

This information is stored on Google servers, we have no control on Google Servers, and how they operate.